The European Elections 2024: What Ireland thinks

On track for increase in voter turnout according to a recent Red C poll tracking satisfaction and overall attitude towards the upcoming elections on 7 June as well as the EU more widely.

The poll results can be categorised under three main headlines: Satisfaction with the EU; Attitudes towards the EU and Expected Voter turnout. Here are some of the key findings.

Satisfaction with the EU

Ireland remains steadfast in its support for the EU and EU policies with net satisfaction is highest in the areas of Improving consumer rights (67%); Democracy and Freedom (66%); Improving worker’s rights and employment law (66%) and Economic development (62%). The only area however where those polled recorded a net dissatisfaction was the area of EU border and immigration control with 55% net dissatisfaction.

The poll also showed that there is room to improve in relation to climate action with 36% net satisfaction on support for workers in industries that are obliged to reduce greenhouse emissions; 52% net satisfaction on protection of nature and the environment and 41% net satisfaction on reducing greenhouse gas pollution.

Attitude towards the EU

In net terms, 58% agree that the European Parliament provides an important layer of democracy and 60% agree that many of our most important laws and regulations come from the European Parliament. Similar numbers agree that the EU plays an important role in ensuring Human Rights; securing worker’s rights, providing safety for citizens online and 55% say the European Parliament ensures a fair distribution of funds between member states.

Expected Turnout

European Elections will be held on 7 June and as a mean 55% say they will have their voice heard.

Note: Data was weighted across gender, age, region and social class so as to ensure a nationally representative sample based on latest CSO projections. A past vote party weight based on the last general election was also included.  1,000 respondents took part with fieldwork taking place from the 9th-15th April 2024.

See presentation attached.