Nationwide awareness campaign for the European Elections


As part of our nationwide awareness campaign for the European elections 2024, we will be organising a series of events in all constituencies designed to demonstrate the impact the EU has on our daily lives and why citizens should vote in the European elections. These include:

30 April:  a roundtable on the 2024 European elections at the University of Limerick, with panellists including the Course Director, the former Course Director and other eminent members of the UL Centre for European Studies.

30 April: an EU themed table quiz in Limerick city centre, with prizes, refreshments and giveaways. Come and test your EU knowledge at an event that promises to be a lot of fun! Find out more

2 May:  we are partnering with Poetry Ireland Éigse Éireann and the Yeats Society in Sligo in a European Elections Special of the monthly 'Illuminations' poetry evening at The Model, Sligo. The evening will see a mixture of readings by international poets Alice Lyons, Sean Borodale and Viviana Fiorentino, Susan O'Keeffe Director of the Yeats Society, and open mic contributions. More information here.

7 May: we are partnering with The Wheel to host an information event at the Midlands Park Hotel in Portlaoise - The EU in your community. More information and registration here.

22 May:   we are partnering with The Wheel and Media Literacy Ireland to host a webinar on media literacy and disinformation, featuring a member of the Parliament’s team of disinformation experts and a workshop on media literacy. It will take place from 15:00 to 16:30. Stay tuned for more, including a link for registering.

Please see our Events section or get in touch if you would like more information about any of the above, and help us spread the word!