Ambassador School Programme
Welcome to the European Parliament Ambassador School (EPAS) Programme; a network of secondary and vocational schools across the European Union raising awareness of European parliamentary democracy and European citizenship values among students (14-18 years old), through active engagement with MEPs and the European Parliament.
By taking part in the programme, students will learn about the role of the European Parliament and will get the opportunity to actively engage with their MEPs. They will learn about European values, their rights as EU citizens and will be encouraged to participate in EU democratic processes. The programme is aimed at students (14-18 years old) and is a particular favorite of Transition Year (TY) students.
For more information please contact Margaret
There are 4 main criteria which schools must complete in order to achieve the designation as an EPAS school at the end of the school term.
1. Designation of Senior and Junior Ambassadors
As the Senior Ambassador, teachers take care of the educational aspect, organising lessons on European parliamentary democracy based on the learning resources provided by the European Parliament and encouraging their students to become active European citizens. Junior Ambassadors are selected by their teacher. They take special responsibility for the implementation of the programme, with the help of their teacher, such as organising the Europe Day event, setting up the EU Info Point, initiating contact with MEPs etc.
2. Teaching material
Senior Ambassadors organise lessons based on the Student Workbook in conjunction with the Teacher's Manual which is sent to schools upon registration. There are 6 learning modules in the workbook, covering the History of the EU, How the EU affects your life, Decision-making, Europe without borders, European values and Your voice in Europe.
Senior Ambassadors may also use the interactive educational tool 'Europe at school - Active lessons about the European Union'. The tool is based on the concept of ‘learning by playing’, with quizzes, role-play games and exercises and comes with a teacher's manual. There are also lots of other useful learning resources which can be found here.
3. EU Info Point
The EU Info Point is an information and activity area set up in a prominent place on school premises and is dedicated to the European Union and the European institutions. It can display brochures and information about the EU, the work of the Parliament and MEPs, the various member states etc. The EU info-point can also be web-based, for example a dedicated page on a school website.
4. Europe Day event
Europe Day is celebrated each year on 9 May. Teachers and students organise a Europe Day event on the day itself or in the run-up to it. Some ideas for an event include: EU debating competition, Mock European elections, Meet your MEP, European music festival, European food tasting day, EU Quiz.
School evaluations will be carried out once a year and if all the conditions are met, the school will be officially designated a 'European Parliament Ambassador School' and certified as such. This includes the award of a plaque that can be displayed on the school premises. Plaques are presented to successful schools at an annual Awards Ceremony. Schools unable to attend the ceremony are encouraged to invite an MEP to their school to make the presentation on behalf of the European Parliament (e.g. on TY Graduation Day). Junior Ambassadors receive a special Junior Ambassador Certificate. All other students completing the programme receive a Certificate of Participation.
The designation as an Ambasssador school is reviewed annually. Schools need to re-register in the programme each year.
- eTwin with other EPAS schools in Europe. eTwinning is the platform hosting the European community for schools and teachers for peer learning, professional development, and most importantly, for doing cross-border projects with their students.
- visit the Europa Experience in Dublin;
- take part in Euroscola competitions;
- take part in online Euroscola sessions;
- take part in Online Youth Talks organised by the European Parliament;
- apply to take part in the EU Model Council, an annual competition simulating a European Council whereby each school represents an EU member state.
Please click here for the list of Irish schools registered for the 2024-2025 term.
You can find out more about the European Parliament Ambassador School programme across the EU here

- Ambassador School Programme
- Euroscola
- Classroom resources