
Euroscola competitions for Irish schools

Euroscola offers an immersive experience in the Chamber of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, allowing secondary school students to experience of European parliamentary democracy. Students debate, negotiate, amend, vote and adopt resolutions on current European issues, just like the MEPs.

Euroscola combines both in-person attendance, directly in the European Parliament’s hemicycle in Strasbourg and online, via live-stream and interactive online platforms.

The programme in the morning is a hybrid event and lasts two hours.  Students learn about the European Parliament, its members,and policies. They actively participate by proposing their innovative ideas on the topic under discussion.  This is done via live video on Interactio for online students, directly in the hemycycle for students present in the European Parliament in Starsbourg or in written form via Slido for all types of attendees.

The afternoon part of the programme is reserved for in-house participants.  In order to take an active part students prepare in advance and come to Strasbourg already acquainted with the issues up for discussion.   Students take the floor in plenary and committee sessions to debate and vote on resolutions on current affairs, all the while practising their language skills and making friends with fellow students from across Europe. Teachers also have the opportunity to meet their colleagues and exchange feedback about their own classroom practices & experiences.

You can watch back a recording of the sessions or watch them LIVE via Parliament's Multimedia Centre.

Euroscola Competitions

Each year we organise a video competition giving secondary school students the chance to win a sponsored trip to participate in Euroscola in Strasbourg. The competition is open to all post-primary schools. Competition winners (up to 24 students and two teachers) receive a subsidy towards the cost of travelling to Strasbourg.   See below for details of our 2023 competition.

If you wish to be notified of future competitions please email Margaret:

We also run competitions in conjunction with the following organisations:

Euroscola 2023 Competition

Topic: 'European Elections: Democracy in Action'

We asked students to create a one-minute video clip explaining what they would do to increase voter turnout and how they would encourage more young people to vote in the European elections in June 2024.

One winning school was selected from each of Ireland's three European constituencies.  Another three schools were highly commended.  The winning students will travel to the European Parliament in Strasbourg and experience a day as an MEP. 


Highly commended: